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Web Query Import As Text

Hi all, I need to know how to avoid WebQuery to recognize formats on the fly, and just import everything as text.

Because of this "feature" Im loosing data when querying a web page, and must fix it manually...

For example, in the web page there is a number like "500.000" but after query it land as "500" in worksheet ( point "." is thousands separator) so i need the query to get it as text so i dont loose any digits.

Some things Ive tried already and no working:
- Search many forums and google, cannot find working solution.

- Setting cells format to text prior to query. Not working (excel will change format to number anyway)

- Change format to Text after query. Not working. Digits are lost for good, so nothing to do after the query.

- .WebDisableDateRecognition. This works only for dates, not for numbers.

- .PreserveFormatting. Not working .Tried true and false, no difference.

- .WebFormatting. Not working. All combinations, same result.

- Change Windows thousand separator in Control Panel. This might work, but code wont be fully portable to other users using different configuration.

So problem is very simple, i need web query to import EVERYTHING as plain text. Dont need Excel to be smart in this case...

Thanks in advance!!


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I am using XL2007 and have a macro that refreshes microsoft query connections. The issue is the refreshes only happen if you step through the macro using the debugger. When you run the macro normally, everything else functions properly, but the data is not refreshed.

Any help is appreciated. Here is an excerpt of the code:

Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\Profile.xls"
Range("F3").Value = SNR

ActiveWorkbook.Connections("Query from C_Profile").Refresh
ActiveWorkbook.Connections("Query from C_Profile1").Refresh

I have a large database with names, addresses etc. When I try to make changes
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I saw two threads in this forum that asked this question, with no good answer. I am posting this solution for anybody still struggling with this.

The question:
How can you prevent a cell's contents from overflowing into the next cell?

Of course, you can make the column wider or turn on text wrapping, but you might not want to. Each of those solutions can mess up the layout of your sheet. You may just want to truncate the value.

Some people have suggested putting a space in the next cell. This is unnecessary, a pain in the but, and will mess up any ISBLANK type formulas, among other things.

The solution:
Select the cells in question and turn on text wrapping (Format>Cells>Alignment>Wrap Text).
Now select the row(s) in question and manually set the row height, by right clicking the row number and selecting "Row Height". Check the height of an adjacent row for a good value.

Your cells will now not spill over either horizontally or vertically. They will simply truncate anything that doesn't fit.

Be careful now, because parts of your data may be hidden. This can cause its own set of problems if one or two digits are neatly hidden away. Think ahead if other people might be using this sheet, and not be expecting to have some data hidden.

Tested in Excel 2002

I have been using Excel (XP) to make a text chart for several months. Some of
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also has pound signs. I just want my text to show up!

I have two columns in my spreadsheet. Column A has no blank fields, Column B has some blank fields. I would like to show the text from Column A in the same row of Column B only when Column B is blank.

So, basically I'm after: If column B has text, do nothing. If column B is blank, then list text from Column A.

Right now I've created Column C with this formula =IF(ISBLANK(B1), A1. That's working to get the text from A1 when B1 is blank. What can I do/add to get it pull the text from B1 if there is text there? Or...is there a better approach altogether?

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Does anyone have any idea of how to work around this? Once I have successfully gotten the numbers to display as the long-chain number, how can I get them to "stick" so that they don't revert back to scientific format when I reopen the file?

Thanks so much for your help!

I have a spreadsheet set up with an employees information, including the start date. After each year that the employee is working, he gets bumped up on the pay scale. For this reason, I only need to know how many years the employee has been working, rounded down to the nearest year.

This is what I have so far (hire date is in column B):

=((TODAY()-B4)/365)&" YEARS"

This function gives me a number with many decimal places.

I tried:

=ROUNDDOWN((TODAY()-B4)/365),0)&" YEARS"

It tells me I have too few arguments. Please help!

Hi All,

I've been struggling with this for a while now and can't believe how hard it is!. I've searched on this site and on others to get some clarification but to no avail.

It's pretty simple really. I have a user form which contains a tex box for a user to input the date I want the format to be dd/mm/yyyy but can't find out how to set the format of the text box to this.

Please can someone give me a bit of guidence or link me to a good rescource if missed it in the search.

Thanks in advance.


Is it possible to import a single text file into Excel, splitting the incoming data across multiple worksheets rather than a single worksheet? Each each row on the text file would be evaluated by the value in one of it's "columns" and written to the appropriate worksheet. The file is "!" delimited and has 11 columns for each row.

Currently, I import the file into one worksheet and cut/paste the rows manually into new worksheets/tabs. The files are very large, sometimes exceeding the 65,536 row limit, which I could avoid if the data was split out coming in.

Any help anyone could provide would be WONDERFUL. Thanks!

I am creating a data sheet to be completed by other users. I would like to
format the text cells (name, etc) to have text entered as uppercase
automatically although the user might use title or lower case.

UPPER function cannot make cell look at itself and perform the function

Excel 2003


Im working with a large data spreadsheet that has Yes and No answers in different columns. There are blanks within the selection too.
I need to calculate only the Yes.
I have tried using the filters in the Pivot Table field list and they are not working.
So now i'm trying to add a COUNTIF formula in the Calculated Fields section.
The formula I'm using is =Countif('Time limit extension'="yes") and i get the answer "too few."
What should I be using in the formula to get the calculated field to work? I have search the whole forum and I haven't found an answer that can help me.

Please HELP!!!

I have a large spreadsheet in Excel 2007. I am converting it to a .csv file to import in to another program. I need to delete all commas from all data.

When I try to replace all commas (with nothing or with another character), I get the error message "The formula you typed contains an error."

I have tried various formats (text, general, etc.) and various file types (.xls,.xlsx, .csv) and still get the same error.

I am looking for assistance in having one cell in a text format equals another cell that contains a time value in hh:mm format.

For example: Cell A1 has a time format (hh:mm) value of 04:00; which is the Start Time. I would like cell D1 to have a text format value of "04:00" (result is dependant upon what is entered in A1). I would duplicate the same formulas to reflect Stop Times in other cells.

My final result is to have another cell (F1) use the Concatenate formula to have the Start and Stop time shown in one cell as "04:00 - 12:30". The times would change based on the Time formated values entered into the Start and Stop time cells.

I have researched this in the board and found many excellent ways to do the opposite, but not convert Time format to Text format. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


Hi Everyone,
I have searched online and in help but can't seem to find the best solution...

I have values like 00904BB303D6 that need to become: 00:90:4B:B3:03:D6 (the value is always 12 digits, and the : needs to appear every two digits.) Is there a formula that can easily do this for me? Your suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!!!!

Hi Excel experts,
I am working on a worksheet, and would like to have an entire row transferred to another worksheet based upon a certain cell's value.

Having searched through the many solved threads on this site, I attempted to customize some of the code to my worksheet. Not being proficient in Macro/VBA, I failed. I figured I would ask for help, and see if anyone can provide what I am looking for.

Basically, I am attempting to construct a "work in process" file, and would like all completed work to be deleted from the work in process sheet, and transferred to a sheet that contains a running list of all work completed.

Attached is an example of what I am working on. I would like Column Q (Status) to determine if a row can be moved to a sheet that contains the list of all work completed, and eliminated from the original sheet. Once Status is updated to "Complete", it would be helpful to be able to run a macro/click a button that would perform the transfer.

Can anyone assist?


How do I get the colors to change automatically when I use a drop down list.
Per say here is what I am trying to do

If a certain "word" is used from the drop down list I want the background of
that cell to change its color to "green." And if later I change the "word" to
another from the drop down list, it will change it's color to a specified

The drop down list that I use was created from cells that have the colors
already in the "word", but I do not know how to make the list show the colors
so it puts the word & color automatically in the drop down list to the cell
with the drop down (if that makes any sense).

If there is a way, please spell it out simple enough for me to understand,
as I don't know fully the capabilities of formulas or vba.

Hello ,

Here is my issue:

I have a list of SKUs in Excel and I need to add one same word to 500 cells that have pre-existing text in the cells. See example below:

1) List of SKU's in cells:


2) text that needs to be added IN FRONT of every number:


So the result would be:


How do I do that in a formula and not manually? I found another similar thread and I understand how to do it from the instructions there but the same text goes on the back and the result is: 34DF but I need it to be like: DF34.

I am using Office 2007 for mac.

Thank you for the help,

Good afternoon!

I'm working with Excel 2003 sp 3 on Windows xp.

I have been banging my head trying to jar loose the formula to calculate man days where 1 equals 8 hours. I have one that was given to me by a coworker:


That calculates man days from total hours. I need a formula that will total man days and return the man day answer. Example:

weekending 12/25 = 16.2 which is 16 man days and 2 hours
weekending 1/1 = 24.7 which is 24 man days and 7 hours

Total = 41 man days and 1 hour

I have also been asked if there was a way for a number to be entered into a spreadsheet and automatically put in order without a macro or "pushing a button".

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Happy New Year!

~ Brenda ~

In Excel there is a difference between cells that are blank (= "") and that are empty. You can make blank cells empty by selecting them and pressing the delete key, but I need a fast way to do this on all blank cells in a large worksheet. The only way I have found is with a VBA macro that loops through every cell, tests for '.Value = "" ' and then uses the '.Clear()' function, but doing this on 30 columns x 10000 rows is far too slow. Any solutions?

(The reason I need to do this is for importing into Access, the database treats empty cells as NULL which is what I want. Blank (but not empty) cells screw the import process up.)


I need to know how to auto-fill text based on text in another cell. For

Every time I enter "CHS" in Column B, I want Charleston to auto-fill in
Column C.
And when I enter "SAN", in Column B, I want San Diego to auto-fill in Column

How can I set up a list like this? Any ideas?

