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Converting Grid To Flat File

Hello --

I am a VBA newbie trying to make my job easier.

I currently have a file in the following format

How would I writer code to create an excel sheet that looks more like this:


All I want to do is convert the grid format to more of a flat file format and don't know how to do this. I would like the code to be dynamic enough to figure out how many rows and columns I have.


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I know this question has been asked a bajillion times, so I apologize for the redundancy.

I am working with an Excel spreadsheet and saving it as a .csv file in order to upload to an application that parses out the .csv data as transactions. The system requires .csv files, so this is how I need to save my doc (with this extension). I have been successful at preventing Excel from coverting that long number into scientific format. I have saved as a TXT file, pasted the longer number and it displays correctly. That is all good. But I have to save as a .csv. So if I do that, close the Excel window, and then open again (as the .csv file), the numbers are back to being displayed in scientific format. I have tried creating an Excel doc from scratch and entering text in Text format, to see if this created a cleaner file. But again, the second I save as .csv, close the window and then open that file up again, that dang scientific format is back.

Does anyone have any idea of how to work around this? Once I have successfully gotten the numbers to display as the long-chain number, how can I get them to "stick" so that they don't revert back to scientific format when I reopen the file?

Thanks so much for your help!

I have imported a DBF file into Excel and have a column of dates that are missing the leading zero on single didgit months. When I try to us the custom format of mm/dd/yyyy it doesn't work (interestingly, after I select that format if I click on an individual cell it changes to the right format).

Does anyone know a better way to do this?

Thanks in advance!

In excel, I tried to convert numbers to number format, using
format/cells/number from the category list. But it won't take, and stays
text-like. Any ideas?

Good afternoon,

Is there a way to enter a colon into a standard number to create a value that can be formatted into a 24 hour time value ?

eg a time is listed as 1345 with a general number format, and I want it returned as 13:45 witha custom format of hh:mm.

Other than creating a table and using a vlookup function, I am hoping there is a better way?


I am looking for assistance in having one cell in a text format equals another cell that contains a time value in hh:mm format.

For example: Cell A1 has a time format (hh:mm) value of 04:00; which is the Start Time. I would like cell D1 to have a text format value of "04:00" (result is dependant upon what is entered in A1). I would duplicate the same formulas to reflect Stop Times in other cells.

My final result is to have another cell (F1) use the Concatenate formula to have the Start and Stop time shown in one cell as "04:00 - 12:30". The times would change based on the Time formated values entered into the Start and Stop time cells.

I have researched this in the board and found many excellent ways to do the opposite, but not convert Time format to Text format. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


I have a figure 4,929,524,832 in excel. I want excel to automatically covert this figure into millions/billions/trillions. I tried through 'format cells' but there was no option for this.

Any help?


I'm trying to open a pdf file from within excel vba. I have tried using the followhyperlink method but adobe acrobat opens very briefly then immediately closes Code:

Sub OpenPDF()

'Dim pdf As String

    On Error Resume Next

    'pdf file to open
    pdf = "K:\PDF\mypdf.pdf"

    'open the pdf file
    ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink pdf

End Sub

So then I tried to create an instance of acrobat by setting a reference to the acrobat object but I can't get this to work either!

The code I'm using is Code:

Sub OpenPDF()

    Dim pdf As AcroPDDoc
    Dim strPDF As String

    Set pdf = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
    'pdf file to open
    strPDF = "K:\PDF\mypdf.pdf"

    'open the pdf file
    pdf.Open strPDF

End Sub

Any ideas what could be wrong with either approach?


I am using below code, but it only untill 19,999. Amount from 20,000 and above only show thousand? Please help!

For 19,999 it show
Ringgit Malaysia : Nineteen Thousand Nine Hundred NinetyNine Only

For 20,000 and above it show
Ringgit Malaysia : Thousand Only

Code as below:

Function SpellNumber(amt As Variant) As Variant
Dim FIGURE As Variant
Dim LENFIG As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim WORDs(19) As String
Dim tens(9) As String
WORDs(1) = "One"
WORDs(2) = "Two"
WORDs(3) = "Three"
WORDs(4) = "Four"
WORDs(5) = "Five"
WORDs(6) = "Six"
WORDs(7) = "Seven"
WORDs(8) = "Eight"
WORDs(9) = "Nine"
WORDs(10) = "Ten"
WORDs(11) = "Eleven"
WORDs(12) = "Twelve"
WORDs(13) = "Thirteen"
WORDs(14) = "Fourteen"
WORDs(15) = "Fifteen"
WORDs(16) = "Sixteen"
WORDs(17) = "Seventeen"
WORDs(18) = "Eighteen"
WORDs(19) = "Nineteen"

tens(2) = "Twenty"
tens(3) = "Thirty"
tens(4) = "Fourty"
tens(5) = "Fifty"
tens(6) = "Sixty"
tens(7) = "Seventy"
tens(8) = "Eighty"
tens(9) = "Ninety"

FIGURE = amt

If FIGLEN < 12 Then
End If

If Val(Left(FIGURE, 9)) > 1 Then
SpellNumber = "Ringgit Malaysia : "
ElseIf Val(Left(FIGURE, 9)) = 1 Then
SpellNumber = "Ringgit Malaysia "
End If

For i = 1 To 3
If Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) < 20 And Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & WORDs(Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)))
ElseIf Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 19 Then
Ntow = Ntow & tens(Val(Left(FIGURE, 1)))
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & WORDs(Val(Right(Left(FIGURE, 2), 1)))
End If

If i = 1 And Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & " Crore "
ElseIf i = 2 And Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & " Hundred "
ElseIf i = 3 And Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & " Thousand "
End If
Next i

If Val(Left(FIGURE, 1)) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & WORDs(Val(Left(FIGURE, 1))) + " Hundred "
End If


If Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) < 20 And Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & WORDs(Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)))
ElseIf Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 19 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & tens(Val(Left(FIGURE, 1)))
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & WORDs(Val(Right(Left(FIGURE, 2), 1)))
End If


If Val(FIGURE) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & " And Cents "
If Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) < 20 And Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & WORDs(Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)))
ElseIf Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 19 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & tens(Val(Left(FIGURE, 1)))
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & WORDs(Val(Right(Left(FIGURE, 2), 1)))
End If
End If
FIGURE = amt
If Val(FIGURE) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & " Only "
End If
End Function

I have a file that became too big due to phantom bloat, unused range saved by Excel and all that kind of reasons. Thank to previous posts on that board tackling that issue, I was able to find how to proceed to reduce the file back to its normal size.
But I did so in a beta file (test file). The real file has become so big (103MB!) that Excel cannot even open it anymore! The file contains archive info that we do not have anywhere else.
Is there anyway then to open the file or to reduce its size without opening it (through magics...)? I just honestly don't know how to retrieve that info before deleting that file.

Thank you very much for your help.

How do I code a custom format to show 0% as a dash? I know how to make it blank, but I don't really want that....my formulas are quite complex already so I'm not sure I want to do it as part of the formula...thanks!

We have an Excel spreadsheet that sits on the network.
People need to open the file to be able to sign up for various duty rosters.
We would like for the file to open for the first person.
And then for any others after that, get a message that the file is in use
WITHOUT the option to open a read-only copy.
Our staff can't read and they keep opening additional copies of the file!
I have read about sharing the file and I don't think that would make things
any better.

When I auto filter a spreadsheet, I can't figure out how to delete or
eliminate from the sheet the filtered-out rows. So when I refilter the sheet
with new items to get rid of, the old filtered items come back. I've tried
copying the range to another file, but I always get all the old data in the
new file.

Is it possible to import a single text file into Excel, splitting the incoming data across multiple worksheets rather than a single worksheet? Each each row on the text file would be evaluated by the value in one of it's "columns" and written to the appropriate worksheet. The file is "!" delimited and has 11 columns for each row.

Currently, I import the file into one worksheet and cut/paste the rows manually into new worksheets/tabs. The files are very large, sometimes exceeding the 65,536 row limit, which I could avoid if the data was split out coming in.

Any help anyone could provide would be WONDERFUL. Thanks!

I have data with time in standard fromat i.e. 3:00PM but I need it to be in
24 hour format i.e. 15:00. How can I do this?

file locked for editing , can I kick the other user out if its my file?

I have made an excel file where other people have to go in and update it. This process takes 2 secs but some people forget and stay in it over lunch etc causing a great annoyance.
Is there anyway I can "kick" them out my file? Im not concerned if they lose any data they've entered as I'm sure this will help them get the message to get out the file quicker..
Its really doing my head in... pls help

On my calculator, if I divide 462,534.05 by 335 I get 1,380.70. Then if I times 1,380.70 by 335 I get 462,534.50. Which is what I need it to be because I need to calculate the difference of a figure not dividing equally.

On excel, if I divide 462,534.05 by 335 I get 1,380.70. Then if I times 1,380.70 by 335 I get the SAME result of 462,534.05.

I have to account for the difference of not dividing equally so there is some format or accounting function that's preset that I don't want but I have no idea how to fix it or format my excel sheet to calculate as my calculator would.

Please can someone help? Thanks!

I have workbook in which I want to save a specific worksheet to a new file with only the values saved - all data in this worksheet are references to cells on another worksheet, which is using VLOOKUP to pull data from a database.

Found the following code and it gets me close, but it copies the cell references, not the values. It also allows me to specify the file name from a cell reference.

I want the new workbook file to simply be saved, not opened, and a message box to display stating where the file was saved (will always be in the same location on the LAN).

What modifications do I make to this to get this to work per above requirements?

Sub CopyMe()
Dim SaveMeAs As String
SaveMeAs = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2").Text
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\My Documents\" & SaveMeAs
End Sub

I have a large database with names, addresses etc. When I try to make changes
to the email address, like change the font color or change on letter, Excel
tries to email the address. If I click in the formula bar to make the
changes, it automatically changes it back to all blue text and underlined. I
have tried to format all of the cells as "Text" to show as entered, but it
doesnt work. PLEASE HELP

Does anyone know if there is a customer format I can use to change the percent value of a cell to basis points? I tried creating my own, but was having difficulty. For example, if the cell value in A1 is 2%, I would like to have it say 200 basis points instead.



I have a number of different files that I often need to run a macro on. In order for me to do it on the 75-100 files I have at any given time, I need to open one, run the macro, close and save, then open the next one.

Is it possible to write a macro that will start with the first file in a folder, open it and update links, run a macro, save and close, and open the next file in the folder until it has open all the files in the folder.

I have experience with creating macros that reference different workbooks, but not sure how to go about opening files with different filenames (without referencing the exact filename).

I'd like to be able to have basic code for opening, saving and closing, opening next file, saving and closing, etc. and input the macro I'd need to run in each file in the appropriate location. Is this possible? Any help is greatly appreciated!!
