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Open Files In Vba Without Updating External Links

Using VBA I need to open a number of files, do what ever I need to do (i.e. update a formula) and close it again.

This all works well, but I would like to be able to decide if the workbook I am opening should update external links or not. This should be done without being shown the dialogue box.

The files are opened using:

Workbooks.Open Filename:=arrFiles(i)

I expect that I can add an other argument but am uncertain how.


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I have a number of different files that I often need to run a macro on. In order for me to do it on the 75-100 files I have at any given time, I need to open one, run the macro, close and save, then open the next one.

Is it possible to write a macro that will start with the first file in a folder, open it and update links, run a macro, save and close, and open the next file in the folder until it has open all the files in the folder.

I have experience with creating macros that reference different workbooks, but not sure how to go about opening files with different filenames (without referencing the exact filename).

I'd like to be able to have basic code for opening, saving and closing, opening next file, saving and closing, etc. and input the macro I'd need to run in each file in the appropriate location. Is this possible? Any help is greatly appreciated!!


Workbook A has a cell that gets data from workbook B as an external link.
It does this using the indirect function because it needs to concatenate the
path and filename from other cells.

Problem is that if workbook B is closed, the cell in workbook A shows #REF!.

So can indirect work using closed external files or must the external files
be opened?

Is there a clever way of making that work?



I need to open a password protected workbook using VBA.

I've tried the code below but I still get prompted for a password.


Workbooks.Open Filename:="\\HOME\Working\Report.xls" _
        , Password:="xxxx"

How do I get it to open automatically???

Hi, I'm trying to get some macros to combine data from two open workbooks, and I can't figure out the commands to switch from the active workbook to the other open workbook and back. I'm new to VBA and just learning the ropes. All I can figure out is how to switch to another workbook with an exact name. If I record the macro to go to a recent file, for example Window > 1 (filename), the code that I get in VBA is Windows("filename").Activate. This doesn't translate to when I have two different workbooks with different filenames open.

Make sense? I'm a bit confused myself. Maybe just a list of basic workbook-switching techniques or commands would be useful.

- Michael

I know this question has been asked a bajillion times, so I apologize for the redundancy.

I am working with an Excel spreadsheet and saving it as a .csv file in order to upload to an application that parses out the .csv data as transactions. The system requires .csv files, so this is how I need to save my doc (with this extension). I have been successful at preventing Excel from coverting that long number into scientific format. I have saved as a TXT file, pasted the longer number and it displays correctly. That is all good. But I have to save as a .csv. So if I do that, close the Excel window, and then open again (as the .csv file), the numbers are back to being displayed in scientific format. I have tried creating an Excel doc from scratch and entering text in Text format, to see if this created a cleaner file. But again, the second I save as .csv, close the window and then open that file up again, that dang scientific format is back.

Does anyone have any idea of how to work around this? Once I have successfully gotten the numbers to display as the long-chain number, how can I get them to "stick" so that they don't revert back to scientific format when I reopen the file?

Thanks so much for your help!

I was wondering if there is a way of getting a macro to open the "save as" dialogue box and then have it fill in the "file name" field.

I dont want it to actually make the save though as I want the user to have the chance to check that the save location is correct and the option to change the filename if required.


I'm trying to open a pdf file from within excel vba. I have tried using the followhyperlink method but adobe acrobat opens very briefly then immediately closes Code:

Sub OpenPDF()

'Dim pdf As String

    On Error Resume Next

    'pdf file to open
    pdf = "K:\PDF\mypdf.pdf"

    'open the pdf file
    ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink pdf

End Sub

So then I tried to create an instance of acrobat by setting a reference to the acrobat object but I can't get this to work either!

The code I'm using is Code:

Sub OpenPDF()

    Dim pdf As AcroPDDoc
    Dim strPDF As String

    Set pdf = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
    'pdf file to open
    strPDF = "K:\PDF\mypdf.pdf"

    'open the pdf file
    pdf.Open strPDF

End Sub

Any ideas what could be wrong with either approach?


We have a number of Excel users in our office who cannot copy and paste
between Excel workbooks. They can copy and paste between worksheets. When
you highlight the section to copy and then go to the new workbook both the
and paste special are "grayed out". This is true whether you right-click the
mouse, go to the edit menu, or use control keys. This occurs with any data
type and the most simple workbooks. I have seen some suggestions here but
none have worked for this particular problem. I have reset the menus and
renamed the .xlb files and neither helps. You can open the clipboard and the
paste will work, but there is no paste special option. Any help would be
greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I can't find this solutions anywhere. I know how to send emails from Excel using VBA. When I get to the Body section, I want to insert a clickable link to a website, and also a clickable link to send an email (not as important as the website). Can this be done? I have found code to insert links to files, but none for website links.

I am trying to use the following Access VB code to rename all the files from *.aqi in a directory to *.csv:


Sub test()
Name "C:\myfolder\*.aqi" As "C:\myfolder\*.csv"
End Sub

The problem is that VBA does not accept wild cards (at least as given here).

Any suggestions?



Hi all,

The following code is placed in workbook 'A' and is used to open workbook 'B'. These workbooks will now always be housed in the same directory and i want to change the code to use a relative path reference by determining the path of workbook 'A'. here's what I had:

Sub income_statement()

Application.WindowState = xlMaximized
Application.Workbooks.Open "C:\Documents and Settings\.....\workbook B.xls", UpdateLinks:=xlUpdateLinksAlways

End Sub

could you suggest how to change this to use a relative path reference?

Thought I'd append my experience of the above problem - you can find all sorts of references to it everywhere.

My problem was that a userform defined with Excel at work (containing DT pickers) gave the message in the title when opening it at home. I had a light-bulb moment and wondered whether there was a difference in the version numbers for MSCOMCT2.OCX at work and at home. Turned out the work version was newer. I then copied the MSCOMCT2.* files from work, made a backup of them at home and copied those from work to my C-drive (Windows XP - c:\windows\system32\ ).

No luck. I then rebooted the machine - still no luck.
Then, finally I unregistered the old DLL via

regsvr32 /u c:\windows\system32\MSCOMCT2.OCX

(not sure if this was necessary, but I didn't think it could hurt). Reregistered the DLL via

regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\MSCOMCT2.OCX

and what do you know - it worked.

Summa summarum - it could be an idea to check whether the two machines have different version numbers for the MSCOMCT2.OCX files.

We have an Excel spreadsheet that sits on the network.
People need to open the file to be able to sign up for various duty rosters.
We would like for the file to open for the first person.
And then for any others after that, get a message that the file is in use
WITHOUT the option to open a read-only copy.
Our staff can't read and they keep opening additional copies of the file!
I have read about sharing the file and I don't think that would make things
any better.

I'm using some basic code below in an on Workbook Open event to format cells with a value less then 2 and less than 1 with a particular color.

The code works, but it really slows my worksheet down when opening. Is there better way to write this? Thanks!


Dim myRange As Range
Dim cell As Range
Set myRange = Range("V6:V50000")
    For Each cell In myRange
    If cell.Value < 2 Then cell.Font.ColorIndex = 5
    If cell.Value < 1 Then cell.Font.ColorIndex = 3

I'm having a problem in a workbook with several ActiveX command buttons. I had been using the form control buttons to run macros, but the boss wanted each button to have it's own, different color. So I removed the form control buttons and created new ActiveX command buttons. I got into the button properties and set the background colors. I added the _Click code to run the macros when the user clicked the buttons.

All of the buttons were working fine. Then I saved and closed the workbook and went to lunch. Now when I open the workbook, the buttons don't work! When I click them nothing happens. They appear frozen. They don't even seem to click. No error message. Nothing.

If I right-click the button in Design Mode and select Properties, I get sheet properties not the button properties. I can't seem to locate the command button properties any longer. I still see the button name "cmdButtonGetInfo" and "=EMBED("Forms.CommandButton.1","") in the name box and formula bar. The odd thing is if I create a new button it works fine until I save and close the file. When I reopen the file none of the buttons work.

It's like the buttons are being disabled when I close or open the file. Any suggestions?

If I am using sendmail in a simple macro, is there any code I can add to actually open Outlook?

Some users of the macro are pressing the macro button and do not have Outlook open so the email isn't sent until they eventually open Outlook!

Thanks in advance

Hey guys,

I have an excel file that is password protected. I have opened it as read-only.. Is there any way to unlock it & do it modifiable when I already opened it as read only (of course without having to close it & re-open it and enter password lol)


I have a file that became too big due to phantom bloat, unused range saved by Excel and all that kind of reasons. Thank to previous posts on that board tackling that issue, I was able to find how to proceed to reduce the file back to its normal size.
But I did so in a beta file (test file). The real file has become so big (103MB!) that Excel cannot even open it anymore! The file contains archive info that we do not have anywhere else.
Is there anyway then to open the file or to reduce its size without opening it (through magics...)? I just honestly don't know how to retrieve that info before deleting that file.

Thank you very much for your help.

Hi All,

I got the below macro which uses IE and open the URLs. I want to create a userform with listbox with radio button and commandbutton on the same which will help me to connect to each url when I select the same in listbox and click on the commandbutton.

Sub DoBrowse1()
    Dim ie As Object
    Set ie = CreateObject("Internetexplorer.Application")
    ie.Visible = True
    ie.Navigate "www.google.com"
End Sub

Any suggestions..

Hello, please help me out with this one.

So I am at work workin on this report and I need a function that will make Excel automatically insert the today's date in a cell (let's say D90) when I fill the content of another cell (for example C90) and the that will be inserted will never change. I tried to use the =TODAY( ) function but it keeps updating the date in the cell to the current date if i reopen the worksheet 2 days later. I need the cell to keep in the cell the date of the day when I filled in the content of cell C90 and do not updated it every time i open the document to the actual date.. Thanks in advance!!