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Reading Pdf Form Fields From Vba

I am trying to loop through a series of fields on a pdf form and read the values into an Excel spreadsheet. I found some code on another site (www.khk.net) which looks like it should do the trick, but I get an error - Object Required - on the line that is trying to assign the field value to a variable (it appears the author did not DIM the variable correctly, but it fails on either one). I have Acrobat and I have checked the reference to Adobe Acrobat 10.0 Type Library in the VB Editor. When I open the form in Adobe LiveCycle Designer, the Field Name matches. Can anyone point me to the problem? Thanks in advance.


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 
    Dim AcroApp As Acrobat.CAcroApp 
    Dim theForm As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc 
    Dim jso As Object 
    Dim text1, text2 As String 
    Set AcroApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App") 
    Set theForm = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc") 
    theForm.Open ("C:\temp\sampleForm.pdf") 
    Set jso = theForm.GetJSObject 
     ' get the information from the form fields Text1 and Text2
    text1 = jso.getField("ESName").Value 
    text2 = jso.getField("ESID").Value 
    MsgBox "Values read from PDF: " & text1 & " " & text2 
     ' set a text field
    Dim field2 As Object 
    Set field2 = jso.getField("Text2") 
    field2.Value = 13 ' assign the number 13 to the fields value
     ' get the information from the form fields Text1 and Text2
    text1 = jso.getField("Text1").Value 
    text2 = jso.getField("Text2").Value 
    MsgBox "Values read from PDF: " & text1 & " " & text2 
    Set AcroApp = Nothing 
    Set theForm = Nothing 
    MsgBox "Done" 
End Sub 

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Excel VBA Course
Excel VBA Course - From Beginner to Expert

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I'm trying to open a pdf file from within excel vba. I have tried using the followhyperlink method but adobe acrobat opens very briefly then immediately closes Code:

Sub OpenPDF()

'Dim pdf As String

    On Error Resume Next

    'pdf file to open
    pdf = "K:\PDF\mypdf.pdf"

    'open the pdf file
    ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink pdf

End Sub

So then I tried to create an instance of acrobat by setting a reference to the acrobat object but I can't get this to work either!

The code I'm using is Code:

Sub OpenPDF()

    Dim pdf As AcroPDDoc
    Dim strPDF As String

    Set pdf = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
    'pdf file to open
    strPDF = "K:\PDF\mypdf.pdf"

    'open the pdf file
    pdf.Open strPDF

End Sub

Any ideas what could be wrong with either approach?


Thnx for your help man. Now I have another situation.

I have the following:

1. Login form containing username and password fields.
2. Data entry form

I want to do the following:

1. Coding for username and password fields, which, If the login is successful, takes me to DATA Entry Form, Otherwise shows message "Invalid Login".

Thanks in anticipation.

I have a UserForm with several fields on it: 5 are 'required' and the other 6 are 'optional'. If a user doesn't enter a value for ALL of the 5 'required' fields, how do I get the code to return the user to the UserForm (with, I assume, the values they already entered, still showing)?

I have the AutoOpen code that starts things off, and then, in turn, loads the UserForm with the fields that need to be populated.

I can't figure out how to route the user back to the UserForm, to enter the 'missed' data.

I have an excel form, I want my users to be able to open the form, fill in appropriate data, then click the save button. When the button is clicked, the data in the form should be saved to a new file and then the original form should be reset (clear all values) for a new set of data entry. When the data is saved, I want the new excel sheet to be saved to a location specified within the macro so the user doesn't have any options and I want the title of the new file to be the value of one of the cells.

I'm new to macros and would appreciate any help this board can offer. Thanks...

I have searched and read all the help files. I find the properties of
an object, I see how I can "lock", "size and move with cells" or "not
move with cells". No matter what I select, the object moves off the
screen, when the user, scrolls to the right of the spreadsheet.

Is there a way to lock the position, let's say , in the upper right
corner and have it stay there?

This would be quite useful for an EXIT button, that I have created,
that will close the program without saving (it's a read-only file.)

Thanks to all the wonderful people here that have been so helpful and
give us their valuable insight and time.


I just worked with a data set where I needed to create a unique key based on existing information where no unique key was set up as a field. I accomplished it by concatenating (using the & [concatenation] operator) several fields based on what I hypothesized and observed about their content.

I'm thinking there has to be a more automated way to discover the best unique key of existing fields and their data. I thought I'd post this as a challenge because I don't know the "right" (or better) answer.

Anyone have any ideas?


I have the following code to put data from a VBA userform into Excel

Dim Sh As Worksheet
Dim Rng As Range
Set Sh = ActiveSheet
Set Rng = Sh.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
With Rng
.Cells(1, 1) = Surname.Text
.Cells(1, 2) = forename.Text
.Cells(1, 3) = datein.Text
.Cells(1, 4) = origin.Text
.Cells(1, 5) = Addressee.Value
.Cells(1, 6) = usual.Value
.Cells(1, 7) = dateto.Text
.Cells(1, 8) = permission.Value
.Cells(1, 9) = dateseen.Text
.Cells(1, 10) = requestview.Value
.Cells(1, 11) = Invoice.Value
.Cells(1, 12) = notes.Text
.Cells(1, 13) = datecompleted.Text
.Cells(1, 14) = holdsend.Value
.Cells(1, 15) = fee.Text
.Cells(1, 16) = notes2.Text
.Cells(1, 17) = dateseen.Text
.Cells(1, 18) = invoicesent.Text
.Cells(1, 19) = Paid.Text
.Cells(1, 20) = Complete.Value

End With

What I want to do next is click on the surname on the speadsheet and call up the userform with the fields complete for that person. I would also like to be able to edit/update the form and update the information on the speadsheet accordingly.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks!

I did a bit of browsing on this problem. Found others suffering the same but haven't found any conclusive answer yet.

Every so often when I attempt to save a file, (including save as), Excel won'r let me. By won't let me I mean:

using Save doesn't appear to do anything using Save As doesn't either do anything, the dialog is not displayed and if I am doing via the File menu then the File menu is exited and the previous ribbon tab is displayed (i.ethe one I was on before clicking 'File') if I close the workbook I am prompted to save, close without saving or cancel. Clicking save just invokes the same msgbox again. I can't work out when it goes into this mode. Some days I can work without this problem, other days I encounter this 2 or 3 times.

The only thing I could suspect was I think this started around about the time I installed xlDennis' code library. I have uninstalled the addin and so far so good, but I cannot categorically say that this was the cause.

Anyone have any idea?


Edit: I have read this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/271513
Doesn't seem to cover the issue I describe

We have an Excel spreadsheet that sits on the network.
People need to open the file to be able to sign up for various duty rosters.
We would like for the file to open for the first person.
And then for any others after that, get a message that the file is in use
WITHOUT the option to open a read-only copy.
Our staff can't read and they keep opening additional copies of the file!
I have read about sharing the file and I don't think that would make things
any better.

I have looked over the forums for information on how to do this, and can not find anything. I have used conditional formatting to identify duplicates in my spreadsheet. I have a unique user ID, which combines the first and last name fields into one. However, in 10,000 there are a number of John Smiths, Joe Adams, etc. With smaller lists, we search manually, and then add a 1, 2, 3, etc to each duplicate to create a unique value for the User ID.

My question is:

Is there a way to check for duplicates, and then automatically add numbers to the duplicate values to make them unique? If so, how can this be done?

So that you will have this:


I think I have done a good job in illustrating what I would like to be able to do, but if there is still something that is unclear, I will post whatever clarification is needed.

Thank you in advance for your help!!


Im working with a large data spreadsheet that has Yes and No answers in different columns. There are blanks within the selection too.
I need to calculate only the Yes.
I have tried using the filters in the Pivot Table field list and they are not working.
So now i'm trying to add a COUNTIF formula in the Calculated Fields section.
The formula I'm using is =Countif('Time limit extension'="yes") and i get the answer "too few."
What should I be using in the formula to get the calculated field to work? I have search the whole forum and I haven't found an answer that can help me.

Please HELP!!!

Hi All,

I've been struggling with this for a while now and can't believe how hard it is!. I've searched on this site and on others to get some clarification but to no avail.

It's pretty simple really. I have a user form which contains a tex box for a user to input the date I want the format to be dd/mm/yyyy but can't find out how to set the format of the text box to this.

Please can someone give me a bit of guidence or link me to a good rescource if missed it in the search.

Thanks in advance.


Hi All,

I got the below macro which uses IE and open the URLs. I want to create a userform with listbox with radio button and commandbutton on the same which will help me to connect to each url when I select the same in listbox and click on the commandbutton.

Sub DoBrowse1()
    Dim ie As Object
    Set ie = CreateObject("Internetexplorer.Application")
    ie.Visible = True
    ie.Navigate "www.google.com"
End Sub

Any suggestions..

I have two columns in my spreadsheet. Column A has no blank fields, Column B has some blank fields. I would like to show the text from Column A in the same row of Column B only when Column B is blank.

So, basically I'm after: If column B has text, do nothing. If column B is blank, then list text from Column A.

Right now I've created Column C with this formula =IF(ISBLANK(B1), A1. That's working to get the text from A1 when B1 is blank. What can I do/add to get it pull the text from B1 if there is text there? Or...is there a better approach altogether?

Hey guys,

I have an excel file that is password protected. I have opened it as read-only.. Is there any way to unlock it & do it modifiable when I already opened it as read only (of course without having to close it & re-open it and enter password lol)



I'm quite experienced Excel user. I've never come across this problem but tinkering in every conceivable way within Excel settings and the solution has eluded me.

I have added a worksheet created elsewhere (it is a form I need printing, with the data coming from 2 sheets I have created from scratch) which has pre formatted cells for Date and Client Name etc.

When I try to reference the cell in this added sheet from my 2 sheets, instead of the result, it always displays the formula, not the result.

I have tried doing it from one of my sheets to reference to this new, and that displays the result and not formula. I can't imagine why it's doing this and I've never seen it happen before.

Formatting cells, giving cells names rather than the usually adequate of reference to the Cell Number doesn't change things. I wonder if I've picked up some legacy protection from the original form but can't see anywhere in the tools etc that's obvious.

There's about 50+ cells that need referencing and I got to get this done for work.

Please help me. This is my first need to post on a Excel Forum as I've always found help or answers from other peeps or internet but this one is making me scratch my head big time.

I have a simple address book spreadsheet. I would like to create a Search
form, where the user can enter the Last Name of the person they are searching

I'm working on a speadsheet that has thousands of line items with lots of great information, but not in the fields I need them to be in. Is there a formula to move for example cell contents A26 to B25 and D26 to F27? Also I have contents in one cell that I need to break apart is there a formula for that too? I searced the help and the net an came up with nothing. Maybe I'm not wording it correctly, but I'd appreciate the help.

I'm having a problem in a workbook with several ActiveX command buttons. I had been using the form control buttons to run macros, but the boss wanted each button to have it's own, different color. So I removed the form control buttons and created new ActiveX command buttons. I got into the button properties and set the background colors. I added the _Click code to run the macros when the user clicked the buttons.

All of the buttons were working fine. Then I saved and closed the workbook and went to lunch. Now when I open the workbook, the buttons don't work! When I click them nothing happens. They appear frozen. They don't even seem to click. No error message. Nothing.

If I right-click the button in Design Mode and select Properties, I get sheet properties not the button properties. I can't seem to locate the command button properties any longer. I still see the button name "cmdButtonGetInfo" and "=EMBED("Forms.CommandButton.1","") in the name box and formula bar. The odd thing is if I create a new button it works fine until I save and close the file. When I reopen the file none of the buttons work.

It's like the buttons are being disabled when I close or open the file. Any suggestions?

Hello, I am pretty new to excel programming/messing around so I'll refer to those who are much wiser than I am. I am trying to set up a form for work, in this form I want to have a page with a bunch of cells pre-sized. What I want to do is when I insert a picture from a job site, that when this picture gets inserted, it will automatically resize to fit within the cell. I don't have time to manually resize dozens of pictures and if I could get this to work it would be awesome! I tried to search for an answer using the search function, but I kept getting a fatal error about allowable memory? Thanks in advance for you help!