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[h]:mm:ss Conversion To Minutes For Calculation

Alright, I've been at this for a few days now and my master excel buddies haven't been able to figure this one out either. So they referred me to Mr. Excel...


I'm calculating a variety of cells that have a format of [h]:mm:ss. I'm using this format as it displays the information correctly in the cell and using a normal h:mm:ss format doesn't work. I'm calculating these cells using a =SUMIF(M34:M50000,">00:05:00") formula to sum up the amount of time that occurs that is greater than 5 minutes. The problem occurs when I try to make a calculation or convert this type of formatted cell into a normal number format so that I can make calculations off of it. For example, if the sumif formula returns data "01:30:00" I need to convert that cell into minutes (remember the format is [h]:mm:ss (with brackets)) so that it returns "90" minutes so that I can do another calculation off of the "90" minutes.

The one conversion that got the closest was a =(E15-INT(E15))*1440 convert but it ignores the hour section when their are brackets around the hour in the format and if I remove the brackets the time is not displayed correctly.

Hopefully this is enough explaination and its understandable. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


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Please help!!!
We have a client who will pay using the 1/4, 1/2/ and 3/4 of an hour increments as follows:

From the hour mark to 6 minutes = 0 time paid
Over 7 minutes to 15 minutes = 1/4 hour 15
16 minutes to 30 minutes = 1/2 hour 30
30 minutes to 45 minutes = 3/4 hour 45
46 minutes to 60 minutes = one hour.

They work on shifts and the operation is 24 hours. Each gets 30 minutes for breaks which is not paid. Pay is biweekly and overtime is anything over 40 hours. Currently, the template we are using looks like this (sorry, I could not figure out how to paste it so you can see it in Excel layout):
WEEK 1 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
5/16 5/17 5/18 5/19 5/20 5/21 5/22
TIME IN Total Hours First Week
HOURS WORKED-OR- choose one
PAID HOLIDAY (not worked)

I am very new to Excel and need help creating a formula that will allow us to calculate this timesheet? I am in desperate need for help.


I am trying to figure out how to write a formula to figure out production cycle time.
We will be building 8 "widgets" a day.
We will work 10 hours a day.
There is a 20 minute break at 9:20 am.
Production shuts down for lunch 30 minutes for lunch at 12:30.
Production starts at 6:00 am.
Here is what I can do.
Production cycle time = (10*60)-30/8 or 71.25 minutes
If we start at 6:00 am, the first scheduled cycle completion time = TIME(6,0,0+71.25/1440)

My problem is when I am trying to use a logical "IF' statement to account for the 20 minute break or lunch and still calculate the end of each cycle time through the day I receive a number of error messages.
This is the formula I am trying to make work. I have the cell the formula is in, formatted with a "mm,ss" format.
I have included an attachment to help (a picture is worth a thousand words).

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I have bought a number of books in an attempt to figure this out, and I am still stumped

I am looking for assistance in having one cell in a text format equals another cell that contains a time value in hh:mm format.

For example: Cell A1 has a time format (hh:mm) value of 04:00; which is the Start Time. I would like cell D1 to have a text format value of "04:00" (result is dependant upon what is entered in A1). I would duplicate the same formulas to reflect Stop Times in other cells.

My final result is to have another cell (F1) use the Concatenate formula to have the Start and Stop time shown in one cell as "04:00 - 12:30". The times would change based on the Time formated values entered into the Start and Stop time cells.

I have researched this in the board and found many excellent ways to do the opposite, but not convert Time format to Text format. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


I've been poking around trying to figure this out but can't. The time of 9 hours, 15 minutes is being returned from a calculation but I want the cell to display the 9.25 hours instead. This seems like something simple on the surface, but apparently it's not. Any help would be appreciated!

Good afternoon,

Is there a way to enter a colon into a standard number to create a value that can be formatted into a 24 hour time value ?

eg a time is listed as 1345 with a general number format, and I want it returned as 13:45 witha custom format of hh:mm.

Other than creating a table and using a vlookup function, I am hoping there is a better way?


In excel, I tried to convert numbers to number format, using
format/cells/number from the category list. But it won't take, and stays
text-like. Any ideas?

I have data with time in standard fromat i.e. 3:00PM but I need it to be in
24 hour format i.e. 15:00. How can I do this?

Entering time values in custom format [h]:mm:ss
Cells accept hours over 23,
Adding cells in column returns correct total time.
Have not found a way to multiply these cells by a $ hourly rate.
So use HOUR(cell ref) and MINUTE(cell ref) to capture values in referenced
cell - then use these values to calculate total payment for $rate per hour.
However, the HOUR(cell ref) formula returns the hours in excess of 24 when
the cell contains an hour value in excess of 23 (ie 27 hours returns 3).

I have and excel sheet that was a contact list apparently exported wrong and has the names and addresses all together in each cell in about 350 rows in column A, they are all in this format

john doe email address here

for some reason the email address in brackets won't show up here but each email address is in brackets

I need to get the name in one column and the email address without the brackets into another, any ideas?

How do I calculate the number of batches per hour? Here's what I have so far:

Cell B5: start time: 4:15 formatted as 4:15:00 am
Cell B6: finish time: 6:15 formatted as 6:15:00 am
Cell B7: total time: 2:00 formula in cell: =TEXT(B6-B5,"h:mm")
Cell B8: total batches processed: 22 (this is entered manually)
Cell B9: batches per hour: formula in cell: =B8/TEXT(B7,"h")

as long as I have this formula in cell B9 the answer comes out correct which should be 11 per hour.
If the formula in B9 is B8/B7, the answer is 264.0, Is this because of the way excel is reading the total time or the total time is formatted as a time, not an actual number? Is this the correct way to solve the problem?
answer should be 11 per hour.

I need a formula to calculate Turn Around Time. Find below the sample data and details for your reference.

Received Date & Time: 10/29/2010 3:27:00 PM
Completed Date & Time: 11/1/2010 3:57:32 AM
Business Hours: 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Non Business hours: 05:00 PM to 08:00 AM
Weekdays : Monday to Friday
Weekends: Saturday & Sunday

If I calculate TAT for this time period it should show me 1 hour 33 minutes, why because business hours are closing by 5:00 PM on 10/29 so it should not calculate duration after 5:00 PM to until 08:00 AM on next day, however 10/29 is Friday so formula should calculate the duration from 10/29 Friday 3:37 PM to 10/29 5:00 PM and again it should calculate from 8:00 AM on 11/01 Monday and formula should skip Saturday & Sunday.

In this scenario I have completed the task before 8:00 AM on 11/01 so it should show duration of 1hour 33 minutes.

Please let me know if you need any more details

I know this question has been asked a bajillion times, so I apologize for the redundancy.

I am working with an Excel spreadsheet and saving it as a .csv file in order to upload to an application that parses out the .csv data as transactions. The system requires .csv files, so this is how I need to save my doc (with this extension). I have been successful at preventing Excel from coverting that long number into scientific format. I have saved as a TXT file, pasted the longer number and it displays correctly. That is all good. But I have to save as a .csv. So if I do that, close the Excel window, and then open again (as the .csv file), the numbers are back to being displayed in scientific format. I have tried creating an Excel doc from scratch and entering text in Text format, to see if this created a cleaner file. But again, the second I save as .csv, close the window and then open that file up again, that dang scientific format is back.

Does anyone have any idea of how to work around this? Once I have successfully gotten the numbers to display as the long-chain number, how can I get them to "stick" so that they don't revert back to scientific format when I reopen the file?

Thanks so much for your help!

Hi guys,

would really appreciate anyones help with this.

I have a column full of text-formatted fractions...


etc, etc.....the column is very long!!

I need to convert these to actual fractions...ones I can add to equations, allowing me to multiply and add.

If I highlight the column and goto "format Cells" and change to fraction, the values still stay in the left of the cell.....its only when I manually click on each individual cell, then tick the little green tick, does the cell validate, and the value in the cell moves to the right (and is therefore a proper value).....problem is I have to keep doing this for each individual cell.....and I have 70000+ cells in this column!

Any suggestions on how I could speed this up?


I have imported a DBF file into Excel and have a column of dates that are missing the leading zero on single didgit months. When I try to us the custom format of mm/dd/yyyy it doesn't work (interestingly, after I select that format if I click on an individual cell it changes to the right format).

Does anyone know a better way to do this?

Thanks in advance!

i have a worksheet with formulas in 15,000 cells; i have set the calculation to maunal so that you have to press F9 to calculate the sheet. \

sometimes, it takes 45 seconds to calc the whole sheet, other times, it takes 5 minutes. how do i clear the cache, or what do i have to do so that it calcs 45 seconds each time.

i don't want the application to think, it would be better if those 15,000 cells can be returned in a fraction-of-a-second. any ideas/tips? thanks.

is it possible to put two formulasinto one cell?

On the attached timesheet there are columns IN, OUT, IN,OUT
The lunch time is worked out by deducting 'C8 from C9' and this works fine when all 'IN, OUT' cells are filled in but for some reason when just the first two cells are filled in it gives a -12 hour answer.

looking at cell 'C11 ' in the attached worksheet, I currently have the formula
=IF(C13=0,","SUM(C9-C8)) The reason for this is to make it look tidy by having blank cells until a calculation is needed,, My problem is, If someone just comes in for the morning one day for instance 8am to 12 noon then they won't have lunch, but C11 will show -12:00
Can I put another formula into C11 to tell it not to deduct C8 from C9 until a time is put into C9.
The following is the sort of thing (many variations) I have been trying but because I'm hopeless at formulas I'm not having any success


I have an excal project that requires me to use degrees, minutes and seconds.
How do I enter this into a cell

I am attempting to figure out how to change the formula to automatically subtract a 30 minute lunch if the total time for the day exceeds 6 hours worked.

B value Time of day punch in: 9:30 AM
C value =IF(D11="","","-")
D value Time of Day punch out: 6:00 PM
E value =IF(D11="","",IF(D11

I have cells in a column, some colored yellow, some not. I am trying to use
the SUMIF function to sum only the cells in the range that are colored. Can
this be done? Can I enter something in the "criteria" part of the formula
that can do this?


I also tried to use the CELL function's color feature, but I couldn't get it
to work right. I don't know how to get Excel to recognize if a cell is
colored in a formula.

It might just be that I don't know what this means in Help:

"color" --> 1 if the cell is formatted in color for negative values;
otherwise returns 0 (zero).

Can anyone help?

i have a cell i have to check if it contains six characters. I have a list of data that i need to narrow down to six characters. I have successfully done that, but some of the cell has 5, 6, or 7 characters. The list contains about 600 cells, but i don't have time to format them individually. I want to create a formula that returns true or false if the cell contains 6 characters and false if it is above or below 6.

Can somebody help me, i'm new to excel!