I want to enter a paragraph of text into an excel cell. SOmetimes its one or 2 lines and sometimes its 10 or so.
Id like that all the cells would be the same size, e.g. display 5 lines. Therefore if the cell has 10 lines of text the cell would have scroll bars in it.

Ive done some browsing and come up with nothing.

I then looked into using Text Boxes. These looked promising. I can setup a text box so i can enter multiple lines and have a vertical scroll bar. I want the size of the textbox to match the size of the cell. So if i make the cell bigger/smaller the textbox will also re-size. The textbox does have Format Control - Properties - "Move and size with cells". The problem is that this control seems to scale the text box. If i make the cell bigger, the font gets larger and distorted and the scroll bars get bigger(distorted). If i make the cell smaller, the font gets small etc..

Anyone have a solution?
