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Myrna Larson Code For Combinations And Permutations Not Working In Excel 07-overflow

I've used the following code in Excel XP with no problems.
Now that I have Excel 2007, I keep getting an "Overflow" error when trying to run the code. Sometimes it will say "Runtime error '6':, Overflow"

When I step through the code (F8) the line that brings up the error is:

If N > Cells.Count Then GoTo DataError

To give an example of what values I'm entering use the following:

Cell A1 = c
Cell A2 = 5
Cells A3 - A17 = A-O (one letter per cell)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Option Explicit
Dim vAllItems As Variant
Dim Buffer() As String
Dim BufferPtr As Long
Dim Results As Worksheet
'  Posted by Myrna Larson
'  July 25, 2000
'  Microsoft.Public.Excel.Misc
'  Subject:  Combin
'Since you asked, here it is. It is generic, i.e. it isn't written specifically
'for a given population and set size, as yours it. It will do permutations or
'combinations. It uses a recursive routine to generate the subsets, one routine
'for combinations, a different one for permutations.
'To use it, you put the letter C or P (for combinations or permutations) in a
'cell. The cell below that contains the number of items in a subset. The Cells
'below are a list of the items that make up the population. They could be
'numbers, letters and symbols, or words, etc.
'You select the top cell, or the entire range and run the sub. The subsets are
'written to a new sheet in the workbook.
Sub ListPermutations()
  Dim Rng As Range
  Dim PopSize As Integer
  Dim SetSize As Integer
  Dim Which As String
  Dim N As Double
  Const BufferSize As Long = 4096
  Set Rng = Selection.Columns(1).Cells
  If Rng.Cells.Count = 1 Then
    Set Rng = Range(Rng, Rng.End(xlDown))
  End If
  PopSize = Rng.Cells.Count - 2
  If PopSize < 2 Then GoTo DataError
  SetSize = Rng.Cells(2).Value
  If SetSize > PopSize Then GoTo DataError
  Which = UCase$(Rng.Cells(1).Value)
  Select Case Which
  Case "C"
    N = Application.WorksheetFunction.Combin(PopSize, SetSize)
  Case "P"
    N = Application.WorksheetFunction.Permut(PopSize, SetSize)
  Case Else
    GoTo DataError
  End Select
  If N > Cells.Count Then GoTo DataError
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  Set Results = Worksheets.Add
  vAllItems = Rng.Offset(2, 0).Resize(PopSize).Value
  ReDim Buffer(1 To BufferSize) As String
  BufferPtr = 0
  If Which = "C" Then
    AddCombination PopSize, SetSize
    AddPermutation PopSize, SetSize
  End If
  vAllItems = 0
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  Exit Sub
  If N = 0 Then
    Which = "Enter your data in a vertical range of at least 4 cells. " _
      & String$(2, 10) _
      & "Top cell must contain the letter C or P, 2nd cell is the number " _
      & "of items in a subset, the cells below are the values from which " _
      & "the subset is to be chosen."
    Which = "This requires " & Format$(N, "#,##0") & _
      " cells, more than are available on the worksheet!"
  End If
  MsgBox Which, vbOKOnly, "DATA ERROR"
  Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub AddPermutation(Optional PopSize As Integer = 0, _
  Optional SetSize As Integer = 0, _
  Optional NextMember As Integer = 0)
  Static iPopSize As Integer
  Static iSetSize As Integer
  Static SetMembers() As Integer
  Static Used() As Integer
  Dim i As Integer
  If PopSize <> 0 Then
    iPopSize = PopSize
    iSetSize = SetSize
    ReDim SetMembers(1 To iSetSize) As Integer
    ReDim Used(1 To iPopSize) As Integer
    NextMember = 1
  End If
  For i = 1 To iPopSize
    If Used(i) = 0 Then
      SetMembers(NextMember) = i
      If NextMember <> iSetSize Then
        Used(i) = True
        AddPermutation , , NextMember + 1
        Used(i) = False
        SavePermutation SetMembers()
      End If
    End If
  Next i
  If NextMember = 1 Then
    SavePermutation SetMembers(), True
    Erase SetMembers
    Erase Used
  End If
End Sub  'AddPermutation
Private Sub AddCombination(Optional PopSize As Integer = 0, _
  Optional SetSize As Integer = 0, _
  Optional NextMember As Integer = 0, _
  Optional NextItem As Integer = 0)
  Static iPopSize As Integer
  Static iSetSize As Integer
  Static SetMembers() As Integer
  Dim i As Integer
  If PopSize <> 0 Then
    iPopSize = PopSize
    iSetSize = SetSize
    ReDim SetMembers(1 To iSetSize) As Integer
    NextMember = 1
    NextItem = 1
  End If
  For i = NextItem To iPopSize
    SetMembers(NextMember) = i
    If NextMember <> iSetSize Then
      AddCombination , , NextMember + 1, i + 1
      SavePermutation SetMembers()
    End If
  Next i
  If NextMember = 1 Then
    SavePermutation SetMembers(), True
    Erase SetMembers
  End If
End Sub  'AddCombination
Private Sub SavePermutation(ItemsChosen() As Integer, _
  Optional FlushBuffer As Boolean = False)
  Dim i As Integer, sValue As String
  Static RowNum As Long, ColNum As Long
  If RowNum = 0 Then RowNum = 1
  If ColNum = 0 Then ColNum = 1
  If FlushBuffer = True Or BufferPtr = UBound(Buffer()) Then
    If BufferPtr > 0 Then
      If (RowNum + BufferPtr - 1) > Rows.Count Then
        RowNum = 1
        ColNum = ColNum + 1
        If ColNum > 256 Then Exit Sub
      End If
      Results.Cells(RowNum, ColNum).Resize(BufferPtr, 1).Value _
        = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Buffer())
      RowNum = RowNum + BufferPtr
    End If
    BufferPtr = 0
    If FlushBuffer = True Then
      Erase Buffer
      RowNum = 0
      ColNum = 0
      Exit Sub
      ReDim Buffer(1 To UBound(Buffer))
    End If
  End If
  'construct the next set
  For i = 1 To UBound(ItemsChosen)
    sValue = sValue & ", " & vAllItems(ItemsChosen(i), 1)
  Next i
  'and save it in the buffer
  BufferPtr = BufferPtr + 1
  Buffer(BufferPtr) = Mid$(sValue, 3)
End Sub  'SavePermutation

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I have a requirement to change the panes in excel.
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I have to free the first two lines in all the tabs except the first one.
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ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True

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corner and have it stay there?

This would be quite useful for an EXIT button, that I have created,
that will close the program without saving (it's a read-only file.)

Thanks to all the wonderful people here that have been so helpful and
give us their valuable insight and time.



I'd like help in creating a macro that deletes an entire row that has emtpy cells in col B, C & D in the same row.
So for example if I have empty cells in b3,c3 & d3 I'd like the row deleted.

I've used the code below for just column B but I need to include column C & D as well. I tried putting Columns("B:D") but it deletes everything.


Sub Step4()
   On Error Resume Next
End Sub

I'm sure it's something simple... like me !

Any help much appreciated


is it possible to put two formulasinto one cell?

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The lunch time is worked out by deducting 'C8 from C9' and this works fine when all 'IN, OUT' cells are filled in but for some reason when just the first two cells are filled in it gives a -12 hour answer.

looking at cell 'C11 ' in the attached worksheet, I currently have the formula
=IF(C13=0,","SUM(C9-C8)) The reason for this is to make it look tidy by having blank cells until a calculation is needed,, My problem is, If someone just comes in for the morning one day for instance 8am to 12 noon then they won't have lunch, but C11 will show -12:00
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Hi All,

I got the below macro which uses IE and open the URLs. I want to create a userform with listbox with radio button and commandbutton on the same which will help me to connect to each url when I select the same in listbox and click on the commandbutton.

Sub DoBrowse1()
    Dim ie As Object
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    ie.Visible = True
    ie.Navigate "www.google.com"
End Sub

Any suggestions..

Hello, what I would like to do is take a portion of a sheet..... So the cells I want to mirror are in the proposal sheet cells B32 x F51. And then mirror the exact duplicate copy to another sheet. The other sheet should have those same values at A20 X G39. What I am trying to do is have a sheet that has skus, prices, and so forth and then when I add,delete, merge, color, or do anything to the cell on the "proposal creation" sheet I want it to mirror only a specific cells to another sheet that is "salesman copy" that we will print to clients. So this way ont he proposal copy a salesman can insert rows or even change the color of the cells and then have it mirror exactly the same on the "salesman copy" which is what we will print for clients. Thank you.

Is there an Excel guru that can help with this - its related to "drop down menus"

I have 2 colombs of data.

AT the bottom of the first, I have created a drop down menu using the "data validation" feature in excel.

At the bottom of the second colomb, I have used an "IF" function that returns a result, which depends on what value is chosen from the drop down menu in colomb 1

The problem I have is that I want the TRUE result from the IF function to be another drop down menu, being the data in colomb 2.

How do you write an IF function where the TRUE result is a drop down menu??
I tried to create a drop down menu of colomb2 elsewhere in the spread sheet, and used that cells location as the TRUE value, but this didn't work either...

ANy suggestions??

Hi Forum,

Need help to generate Series of Items in different Permuation & Combinations..

For Ex:- If there are three Items.. A B C and forming a group of 2
then the the total no of combinations would be permut(3,1) = 6...

I need this to be shown as follows depending on the no of itmes and no of group no=2 in this case...

Permuations & Combinations are as follows:


Hi all -

Im very familiar with how to write a macro to automatically autofilter a list based upon a Cell Value (i.e. Range =(A1)...etc.).... but what I cannot figure out how to correctly write is a way to have Excel automatically autofilter a list for any row that CONTAINS the Cell Value, instead of just the exact value.

Cell Value = "birds"
Example -- I need to filter every row so that I see every row that CONTAINS "birds" in the character-string, not just the row that = "birds".

a) is this possible?

If not, I'd like to know also so I can stop attempting to guess (-;


How do I get the colors to change automatically when I use a drop down list.
Per say here is what I am trying to do

If a certain "word" is used from the drop down list I want the background of
that cell to change its color to "green." And if later I change the "word" to
another from the drop down list, it will change it's color to a specified

The drop down list that I use was created from cells that have the colors
already in the "word", but I do not know how to make the list show the colors
so it puts the word & color automatically in the drop down list to the cell
with the drop down (if that makes any sense).

If there is a way, please spell it out simple enough for me to understand,
as I don't know fully the capabilities of formulas or vba.

I have a given length of steel bar...Example(550 feet)
I have various cut lengths that I can pick from...
14'-10".....13'- 9".. 12'-8"........(up to 6 different lengths)

I need to know the best combination of lengths to cut the long bar into to have minimal scrap left when we get to the end of the 550 feet.....

Cut as many of the longest cut lengths possiable.....Cut as few of the shortest cut lengths possiable

Due to the fact that I will have to convert this to a PLC application when completed, I want to find a mathmatical way to do this inside excel and not use the "solver"....Assuming that I/we can come up with an equation to do this .....
Any and all advice/help would be appricated.....


Try this...

There are some valid datas in the cells A2 (Eg. 100), B2(Eg. 200), C2 and D2.
Data validation is used in cell K2 to limit it to a set of values.

Can we implement this formula?

A2=A3; B2=B3; C2=C3; D2=D3; K2=K3;
no change to any values.

Thanks in advance...

I saw two threads in this forum that asked this question, with no good answer. I am posting this solution for anybody still struggling with this.

The question:
How can you prevent a cell's contents from overflowing into the next cell?

Of course, you can make the column wider or turn on text wrapping, but you might not want to. Each of those solutions can mess up the layout of your sheet. You may just want to truncate the value.

Some people have suggested putting a space in the next cell. This is unnecessary, a pain in the but, and will mess up any ISBLANK type formulas, among other things.

The solution:
Select the cells in question and turn on text wrapping (Format>Cells>Alignment>Wrap Text).
Now select the row(s) in question and manually set the row height, by right clicking the row number and selecting "Row Height". Check the height of an adjacent row for a good value.

Your cells will now not spill over either horizontally or vertically. They will simply truncate anything that doesn't fit.

Be careful now, because parts of your data may be hidden. This can cause its own set of problems if one or two digits are neatly hidden away. Think ahead if other people might be using this sheet, and not be expecting to have some data hidden.

Tested in Excel 2002

I am using below code, but it only untill 19,999. Amount from 20,000 and above only show thousand? Please help!

For 19,999 it show
Ringgit Malaysia : Nineteen Thousand Nine Hundred NinetyNine Only

For 20,000 and above it show
Ringgit Malaysia : Thousand Only

Code as below:

Function SpellNumber(amt As Variant) As Variant
Dim FIGURE As Variant
Dim LENFIG As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim WORDs(19) As String
Dim tens(9) As String
WORDs(1) = "One"
WORDs(2) = "Two"
WORDs(3) = "Three"
WORDs(4) = "Four"
WORDs(5) = "Five"
WORDs(6) = "Six"
WORDs(7) = "Seven"
WORDs(8) = "Eight"
WORDs(9) = "Nine"
WORDs(10) = "Ten"
WORDs(11) = "Eleven"
WORDs(12) = "Twelve"
WORDs(13) = "Thirteen"
WORDs(14) = "Fourteen"
WORDs(15) = "Fifteen"
WORDs(16) = "Sixteen"
WORDs(17) = "Seventeen"
WORDs(18) = "Eighteen"
WORDs(19) = "Nineteen"

tens(2) = "Twenty"
tens(3) = "Thirty"
tens(4) = "Fourty"
tens(5) = "Fifty"
tens(6) = "Sixty"
tens(7) = "Seventy"
tens(8) = "Eighty"
tens(9) = "Ninety"

FIGURE = amt

If FIGLEN < 12 Then
End If

If Val(Left(FIGURE, 9)) > 1 Then
SpellNumber = "Ringgit Malaysia : "
ElseIf Val(Left(FIGURE, 9)) = 1 Then
SpellNumber = "Ringgit Malaysia "
End If

For i = 1 To 3
If Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) < 20 And Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & WORDs(Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)))
ElseIf Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 19 Then
Ntow = Ntow & tens(Val(Left(FIGURE, 1)))
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & WORDs(Val(Right(Left(FIGURE, 2), 1)))
End If

If i = 1 And Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & " Crore "
ElseIf i = 2 And Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & " Hundred "
ElseIf i = 3 And Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & " Thousand "
End If
Next i

If Val(Left(FIGURE, 1)) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & WORDs(Val(Left(FIGURE, 1))) + " Hundred "
End If


If Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) < 20 And Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & WORDs(Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)))
ElseIf Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 19 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & tens(Val(Left(FIGURE, 1)))
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & WORDs(Val(Right(Left(FIGURE, 2), 1)))
End If


If Val(FIGURE) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & " And Cents "
If Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) < 20 And Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & WORDs(Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)))
ElseIf Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 19 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & tens(Val(Left(FIGURE, 1)))
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & WORDs(Val(Right(Left(FIGURE, 2), 1)))
End If
End If
FIGURE = amt
If Val(FIGURE) > 0 Then
SpellNumber = SpellNumber & " Only "
End If
End Function

I get the error message "reference is not valid" each time I open my spreadsheet. I get this message three times, and once I am done clicking ok on all three of them, my spreadsheet works just fine. The problem is, I have to send it to a bunch people.

I have a sheet with raw data a sheet with pivot tables a sheet with a dashboard and a simple macro
I don't have any #REF cells either.

Someone has any idea of what could be the problem?
