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Excel 2007 : "Move but don't size with cells" option doesn't seem to work.

  1. #1
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    Excel 2007

    "Move but don't size with cells" option doesn't seem to work.

    Recently I upgraded to Excel 2007 and suddenly a lot of my macros involving pictures and pasting no longer worked as I intended. After a little research I discovered that no matter if it's a macro cutting/copying and pasting or I am doing it manually my pictures always resize with the new cell.

    What I'm usually trying to do is to move a picture from one cell into another cell in the same workbook or worksheet. I do not want my cells to all be uniform shape, but I want to pictures to be uniform and overlap each other when necessary.

    If I have a picture totally contained in one cell where the limits of the picture are shorter than the cell both horizontally and vertically I can copy and paste this picture to a new cell equal to or larger than the parent cell without having my picture distorted (although having "move and size with cell" selected will do the same thing). However, if my picture meets or exceeds the size of the parent cell, or if the destination cell has any dimensions smaller than the picture, that picture will resize to fit the destination cell, even if I have selected the option "move but don't size with cells".

    Is there a way to prevent my pictures from shrinking when I paste them into smaller cells (other than manually changing the resized picture back to my desired size or writing code into my macros that re-resizes the picture back to its original size after pasting it)?

    I realize that I used the word "size" a lot and that I may have been confusing, so to sum up:

    It appears that when I choose the option "move but don't size with cells" (which can be found by right clicking a picture, selecting "size and properties", and clicking on the "properties" tab) the picture reacts no differently from when I select "move and size with cells".

    I know I'm not the only one with this problem. I have tried to copy and paste pictures using friends' computers. Anyone with excel 2003 has no problems doing this, but anyone with 2007 has the same problem I do.

    I appreciate your input.


  2. #2
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: "Move but don't size with cells" option doesn't seem to work.

    I have 2007 sp2 are can not reproduce what you describe.

    I insert a picture and then copy/paste it twice.
    I set each picture to a different move/Size setting.
    Select the rows over which the pictures sit and then increase the row height. All 3 images react differently but as defined by setting.

    Can you post example of non working workbook?
    Also which exact version of xl do you have?

  3. #3
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    Excel 2007

    Re: "Move but don't size with cells" option doesn't seem to work.

    Hmmm... That actually kind of answers my question. I tried to do what you described and I got your results, so that means the option DOES do something. But my problem still remains. I'm not trying to change the size of my rows or columns. I'm just pasting pictures into cells that already have varying row heights and column sizes.

    I originally wrote this program using excel 2003 and when pictures would paste a picture into a cell that was significantly smaller that picture would be left to exceed the limits of the destination cell. And when then next picture would paste it would just overlap the previous picture, which was what I intended my program to do.

    To answer your questions I have Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (12.0.6341.5001) MSO (12.0.6320.5000) Part of Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007. I also have service pack 1. Please delete those numbers of that's something I'm not supposed to post. To be honest I'm not sure what they mean.

    I'm sorry, but I had to compress my spreadsheet attachment because it was just 2MB too big to attach normally.

    Thank you,
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  4. #4
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: "Move but don't size with cells" option doesn't seem to work.

    Insert works slightly differently in 2007.
    see previous post with coded solution.


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