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Autofill Formulas Return Wrong Answer

I am trying to autofill a simple formula on my spreadsheet. The formula fills correctly( ie. the appropriate cells are used from each row and column), but the formula's result is the answer from the original cell down the whole column. I was using a spreadsheet e-mailed to me earlier that had macros running...could it be something to do with that?

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Similar Topics

I have a spreadsheet that when I copy the formula, it copies correctly
(changes the cells it should subtract), however, the result stays the same.
It matches the formula I copied it from, even though the cells to calculate
are now different. I even did a paste special and said only formula, but
still, same result. If I actually type in the formula, it works fine, but I
have a lot I need to copy and paste. Is there a way I can fix this?


Hello all,

Until now I have been able to find all my answers through searches. As a VBA novice, it has been very helpful. I am stumped on this one, however. I am trying to autofill from the selected cell in Column C down. I would like it to stop at the last cell with data in Column B. This is the code I have so far:

Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown))

This does the autofill, but doesn't stop at the last cell with data in Column B.

In the past I have use this code to acheive similar results:

Dim endRow As Long
endRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
Range("C2").AutoFill Destination:=Range("C2:C" & endRow)

The problem with this code is that I will not always be starting in "C2". I need code that uses whatever the selected cell is.

All help is appreciated. Thanks!

Today I ran into an odd problem. I typed in values for column A rows 1 through 10 then values for column B rows 1 through 10. then in column C, I made the formula C1=A1/B1. The math was correct it showed 542 in the C1 cell. So I dragged that formula down and it showed 542 in all column C cells which is not correct. And when I went to check to see if the formula was correctly dragged it was. For instance, the formula in C2 is =A2/B2 however the value of that cell showed 542 which was not the correct math/value.

But it gets even more weird. When I click on the Column C cells and then it shows the formula up top in the formula bar and if I put my cursor anywhere in the formula bar and hit Return the formula does not change however the correct value then appears in the Column C cell. It is like the act of putting the cursor in the formula activates it to work properly but until it is activated that C cell shows the value of the cell which it was dragged down from.

This is quite bizarre. Has anyone ever seen this before? I have no idea what is going on. I ran a scan for viruses and none were found. I tried it on several new/different spreadsheets but it keeps happening.

Thanks for any tips on this.

I have a spreadsheet with simple (addition/subtraction) formulas. The file is quite large and the formulas are too. All of a sudden, the formulas stopped working except when I double click in the cell containing the actual formula. For example, if I enter "2" in each cell, A2 and B2, cell B3 should reflect "4" because there is a formula in cell B3 which totals cells A2 and B2. Only by double clicking on cell B3 will the program actually calculate. I'm totally perplexed and so is my IT contact. Anyone?

Hi Guys

I have the following in G2:


The formula returns the correct result, which in this case is a number - 2

When I fill down my range, the formula copies correctly, but every result is the same. 2.

However, if I go to the next cell down (G3) and activate it by pressing F2, and then hit Enter, the result changes and is now correct.

Any ideas whats going wrong?

Hi everyone,

I'm going nuts trying to figure out how to autofill text from one cell
to another. For example, everytime I type text into cell A20, I want
the exact same thing to cell BL20. The same for B20, BL20, etc.

How do I go about that? I already know how to copy formulas from one
cell to another by dragging the skinny black line of the cell. I guess
I just need the formula for a simple IDENTICAL copying of text.

Thanks in advance,


I am trying to do a very simple copy and paste of a simple formula in Excel 2007 and nothing seems to be working. Excel will not let me copy and paste a formula and will only paste the value into to workbook. For instance, if I make a very simple spreadsheet such as:
A1 type in 10, A2 type in =A1 (calculated A2 to be 10)
B1 type in 5

And then click the copy on B1, and then click paste special on cell B2, the only options it gives me are text and unicode text and so no matter how I paste, cell b2 will always be populated with a value of 5. I cannot imagine a simpler copy and paste and no matter what I do I can't make this work.
All cells are formatted as general. It seems that all copy and pasting of formulas in my excel has been disabled. If I open any spreadsheet on my computer, I can't copy and paste formulas, but do the exact same thing on the exact same spreadsheet on any other computer and it works no problem.

Any help?


Im working with a large data spreadsheet that has Yes and No answers in different columns. There are blanks within the selection too.
I need to calculate only the Yes.
I have tried using the filters in the Pivot Table field list and they are not working.
So now i'm trying to add a COUNTIF formula in the Calculated Fields section.
The formula I'm using is =Countif('Time limit extension'="yes") and i get the answer "too few."
What should I be using in the formula to get the calculated field to work? I have search the whole forum and I haven't found an answer that can help me.

Please HELP!!!

This is my first post in these forums.
I am trying to create a formula which will look at the data in columns A - I (50 rows) and copy this data to columns K - S but ignoring any blank cells. Thereby consolidating the data in the upper rows with no spaces.
I am sure there is a relativley simple answer but it is driving me mad!
Hope you "Guru's" can help


Added example spreadsheet to aid assistance.

Hi there

I am trying to calculate our On Time Delivery. I want this as a simple percentage of jobs. I have got this running in the following way:

Column M - Estimated Delivery dates
Column N - Actual Delivery dates
Column O - =IF(SUM(M2-N2)>0,1,0)

Then I have calculated On Time Delivery as: =SUM((SUM(O2:O252))/(COUNTA(N2:N252)))

This seems to work fine. My problem is, if we enter a date in Estimated without a corresponding Actual date, the formula for Column O fills out anyway and improves our On Time Delivery Percentage. How can I set this up so that the formula doesn't calculate if there is no data in Column N?

Any help much appreciated



Hi there

Please can someone help me. How do I create an IF formula to find cells where the number of hours in one cell is more than the number of hours in another cell? eg one cell has 0.40 hrs and another has 02.25 hours - I want have an IF formula to say where 02.25hrs > 0.40 then type "FAILED" but I cant overcome the greater than problem on the hours which is giving me the wrong answer.

is it possible to put two formulasinto one cell?

On the attached timesheet there are columns IN, OUT, IN,OUT
The lunch time is worked out by deducting 'C8 from C9' and this works fine when all 'IN, OUT' cells are filled in but for some reason when just the first two cells are filled in it gives a -12 hour answer.

looking at cell 'C11 ' in the attached worksheet, I currently have the formula
=IF(C13=0,","SUM(C9-C8)) The reason for this is to make it look tidy by having blank cells until a calculation is needed,, My problem is, If someone just comes in for the morning one day for instance 8am to 12 noon then they won't have lunch, but C11 will show -12:00
Can I put another formula into C11 to tell it not to deduct C8 from C9 until a time is put into C9.
The following is the sort of thing (many variations) I have been trying but because I'm hopeless at formulas I'm not having any success


How do I calculate the number of batches per hour? Here's what I have so far:

Cell B5: start time: 4:15 formatted as 4:15:00 am
Cell B6: finish time: 6:15 formatted as 6:15:00 am
Cell B7: total time: 2:00 formula in cell: =TEXT(B6-B5,"h:mm")
Cell B8: total batches processed: 22 (this is entered manually)
Cell B9: batches per hour: formula in cell: =B8/TEXT(B7,"h")

as long as I have this formula in cell B9 the answer comes out correct which should be 11 per hour.
If the formula in B9 is B8/B7, the answer is 264.0, Is this because of the way excel is reading the total time or the total time is formatted as a time, not an actual number? Is this the correct way to solve the problem?
answer should be 11 per hour.

I would like to create a formula that has a not-to-exceed answer.

Example: I want the answer not-to-exceed $10.00

$6.00 + $3.00 = $9.00
$6.00 + $7.00 = $10.00

I'm trying to format a worksheet to show how many days overdue certain tasks are, and running into a couple of issues. The sheet is set up with Due Dates in Column A, Days Overdue in Column B, and Date Completed in Column C. My first thought was just to use as simple a formula as possible in Column B =Today()-A2. This worked alright for tasks that already had Due Dates assigned, but if Column A was blank I'd get a high number in Column B. I also realized that tasks will continue to show as overdue even after I enter the completed-on date in Column C. Is there a relatively simple way to tackle this formula? Thanks in advance for suggestions. (I've attached an example with the column headings I want to use.)

hi guys,

i have a simple spreadsheet where i'm totalling a few values thru a formula. it's similar to this:


i'm trying to create a funcion that says if d13 * f13 >= 300, i want the value to stay at 300 max and at the same time, if d13 * f13 < 300, i want the total to remain whatever it is.

i have been able to create both of these formulas successfully by themselves but i can't combine them. is this possible?

any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Great tip! But one thing: On my machine (Excel 2008 Mac), the values in the formula cell are not correctly calculated simply by dragging. Instead, the values are equal to the cell above (the first entry formula value). To get the correct value, I need to click in the formula bar and then hit enter. (I only discovered this after an hour of tinkering, figuring I had botched the formula!)

Are there any ways around this so that it updates upon dragging the formula?

Good afternoon!

I'm working with Excel 2003 sp 3 on Windows xp.

I have been banging my head trying to jar loose the formula to calculate man days where 1 equals 8 hours. I have one that was given to me by a coworker:


That calculates man days from total hours. I need a formula that will total man days and return the man day answer. Example:

weekending 12/25 = 16.2 which is 16 man days and 2 hours
weekending 1/1 = 24.7 which is 24 man days and 7 hours

Total = 41 man days and 1 hour

I have also been asked if there was a way for a number to be entered into a spreadsheet and automatically put in order without a macro or "pushing a button".

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Happy New Year!

~ Brenda ~


I'm quite experienced Excel user. I've never come across this problem but tinkering in every conceivable way within Excel settings and the solution has eluded me.

I have added a worksheet created elsewhere (it is a form I need printing, with the data coming from 2 sheets I have created from scratch) which has pre formatted cells for Date and Client Name etc.

When I try to reference the cell in this added sheet from my 2 sheets, instead of the result, it always displays the formula, not the result.

I have tried doing it from one of my sheets to reference to this new, and that displays the result and not formula. I can't imagine why it's doing this and I've never seen it happen before.

Formatting cells, giving cells names rather than the usually adequate of reference to the Cell Number doesn't change things. I wonder if I've picked up some legacy protection from the original form but can't see anywhere in the tools etc that's obvious.

There's about 50+ cells that need referencing and I got to get this done for work.

Please help me. This is my first need to post on a Excel Forum as I've always found help or answers from other peeps or internet but this one is making me scratch my head big time.


I would like a formula that would list all the items in row B that match the criteria in row A. the first cell with formula would list the first item, the second cell with the formula would list the next item, and so forth. Also, column B might have a duplicates that should be listed. Is this possible? I cannot manipulate the order of the original items (ie, filters) because this data is being used to derive other formulas.