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How To Calculate Shift Allowance

I have attached a schedule for shift allowance calculation. The conditions for payment are as follows:

3 & 4 shifts = 15% Basic
2 shifts = 10% Basic
If on leave for 21 working days or more, no shift allowance
If on leave for less than 21 working days and on 3 or 4 shifts, shift allowance prorated as (Basic*15%)/21*(diff. btw 21 and no of days leave observed)

If on leave for less than 21 working days and on 2 shifts, shift allowance prorated as (Basic*10%)/21*(diff. btw 21 and no of days leave observed)

The formular I used in the attached worked but the only problem is that I had to sort by no. of shifts and adjust the formular first. I need A formular that does not require sorting. I tried to combine IF, AND, OR formulae but I got error. Please assist me sort this out. Thanks a bunch.

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Very new in this board. If I post this question in the wrong forum please bear with me.
There is about 20 staffs in our department and I have made a spreadsheet with 12 tabs for each month of the year Jan-Dec. If each staff have 15 days annual leave each year and how can I make a formular that can automatically calculate the balance of annual leave and entered in the tabs of the following months. For example if staff A used 5 days in Jan how can the balance of 10days be entered in the tabs from Feb-Dec. If he use another 5 days in July the remain balance of 5 days be automatically entered in the tab from Aug to Dec. Likewise if staff A took 2 days sick leave in Jan, and 2 days in Mar how can this sick days be automatically sum up in the months after. I am doing this manually at the moment and it is very time consuming and also very easy to make mistake.
Thanks and sorry for this long questions

Does anyone know of a non-commercial roster template that would suit 7 day/24 hour/4 person shifts?

Currently we use a totally manual spreadsheet which looks like a Rubik's Cube and does not offer any form of automation in order to speed up entry adn ensure no doubling-up or missing shifts.

Good afternoon!

I'm working with Excel 2003 sp 3 on Windows xp.

I have been banging my head trying to jar loose the formula to calculate man days where 1 equals 8 hours. I have one that was given to me by a coworker:


That calculates man days from total hours. I need a formula that will total man days and return the man day answer. Example:

weekending 12/25 = 16.2 which is 16 man days and 2 hours
weekending 1/1 = 24.7 which is 24 man days and 7 hours

Total = 41 man days and 1 hour

I have also been asked if there was a way for a number to be entered into a spreadsheet and automatically put in order without a macro or "pushing a button".

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Happy New Year!

~ Brenda ~

I'm trying to come up with a solution to calculate the man hours and days worked over multiple sheets.

I have a file that has 8 sheets. the first seven sheets are the days of the week and the 8th sheet is where I want to calculate the hours.

The days of the week consists of "Name" "Date" Hours"

The 8th sheet consists of "Name", "Days of the week in their own column (7 columns in total)", "Total Hours" and "Total Days Worked"

Now... each day is always a different group and what I'm hoping for is to create a formula that can grab each name with their hours and throw them into the 8th sheet. So when the end of the week is done I have all the Employees weekly hours and days worked all finished.

I hope this makes sense. This file is to track about 100 employees that are on a rotational work schedule.

I have attached a sample file.

Thanks in advance for your help.

I am using the following formula to calculate the number of days between a date and the current date: =DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"d") What do I add to the formula to leave cell blank if no date is entered in the cell for calculation.

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I have a spreadsheet counting down the days until a date is reached. However, after that date is reached and passed I get a #NUM! error.

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Is there a way to calculate the average days between a column of dates?

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Thank you in advance!

I'm trying to format a worksheet to show how many days overdue certain tasks are, and running into a couple of issues. The sheet is set up with Due Dates in Column A, Days Overdue in Column B, and Date Completed in Column C. My first thought was just to use as simple a formula as possible in Column B =Today()-A2. This worked alright for tasks that already had Due Dates assigned, but if Column A was blank I'd get a high number in Column B. I also realized that tasks will continue to show as overdue even after I enter the completed-on date in Column C. Is there a relatively simple way to tackle this formula? Thanks in advance for suggestions. (I've attached an example with the column headings I want to use.)

I use Excel 2000
I have sheet muster for my clients of January, 2005 like :
( P = Present, A=Absent )
Days Sun Mon Tue Wed
Date 1 2 3 4

1 John P A A P
2 Lucy A P P A
Now I want to calculate the total Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays etc. present in
that month. How can I do this?
Knowldege is Power

Hi all! Can anyone tell me the shortcut for Delete, Shift cells up? I have checked through Google but could not find the shortcut.


I was able to convert start date and and end date to the number of days
inbetween the two dates. Does anyone know how to then convert the number of
days into months?


Please help!!!
We have a client who will pay using the 1/4, 1/2/ and 3/4 of an hour increments as follows:

From the hour mark to 6 minutes = 0 time paid
Over 7 minutes to 15 minutes = 1/4 hour 15
16 minutes to 30 minutes = 1/2 hour 30
30 minutes to 45 minutes = 3/4 hour 45
46 minutes to 60 minutes = one hour.

They work on shifts and the operation is 24 hours. Each gets 30 minutes for breaks which is not paid. Pay is biweekly and overtime is anything over 40 hours. Currently, the template we are using looks like this (sorry, I could not figure out how to paste it so you can see it in Excel layout):
WEEK 1 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
5/16 5/17 5/18 5/19 5/20 5/21 5/22
TIME IN Total Hours First Week
HOURS WORKED-OR- choose one
PAID HOLIDAY (not worked)

I am very new to Excel and need help creating a formula that will allow us to calculate this timesheet? I am in desperate need for help.


A previous poster explained what I also need; there were no responses,
so I thought I would try again.

Does anyone know of an Excel template--or a small stand-alone
program--that will calculate the interest/principal breakdown when
payments are varied in amount and frequency? Free or low-cost, please.
I need one that will work on my Mac/Office 2004. I will need to print
out periodic reports.

Here is the way the previous poster described it:
"Excel template: Loan Amortization for random/irregular payments,
figures days
between payment dates.
I have a loan with a variable beginning balance and irregular payments
annual large payment. (based on collections)
Would like to enter payment and date.
then Excel would figure days since last payment, interest amount,
amount, Ending Principal balance.
And total interest paid, total pricipal paid
If I change the starting principal, excel would recalculate all

Thanks very much.


I have two columns of data: column A contains the date and time in the form dd/mm/yyyy. Column B contains a number value. All the times are in order, so column A looks like:


I have data from 2007 to 2010. I need to calculate an average daily value (in column B) for each month, and display it in column C. So, for January, I need to calculate the average of 31 days, February, 28 days, etc.

Is there a function I can use to do this? I've been trying the AVERAGEIF formula but can't get it to work. Any ideas would be much appreciated!

Many thanks,

Hi everyone,

I found an excellent macro this morning that allows the user to filter a pivot table based on the value found in a specific cell. This cell essentially acts as a search bar, allowing the user to type in what they are looking for rather than select it from a drop-down list.

The macro works perfectly for my purposes except in one regard: I can no longer perform a "show all" filter. If I leave the "search bar" cell blank, the pivot table shows nothing. I'm sure that there is an easy fix for this but I'm still learning the basics of how to write and use macros. How can I change the code so that when I leave the cell blank, the pivot table shows all? The search bar cell is D2.

Thanks for your time!

I've tried pressing shift+enter but I can't get it!

HI...can anyone help me with a formula for aging data in days (to be aged based on current date vs. for eg., Invoice date)


I'm trying to set up a basic formula to clear out unwanted cells. Basically, if the cell is not equal a number, I'd like it to be cleared of any information. I would rather not use a space, because I have text that is overlapping between cells and would like it to be legible.

Here's the basic formula:

=if(A1>0, A1, ???)

Any help would be great. Thanks!