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Formula To Move Contents From One Cell To The Next

I'm working on a speadsheet that has thousands of line items with lots of great information, but not in the fields I need them to be in. Is there a formula to move for example cell contents A26 to B25 and D26 to F27? Also I have contents in one cell that I need to break apart is there a formula for that too? I searced the help and the net an came up with nothing. Maybe I'm not wording it correctly, but I'd appreciate the help.

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Afternoon all,

I'm hoping someone can help me.

I need to be able to clear the contents of cells in column C, D, E, H if the value of column Q equals HELLO for arguments sake.

Clearing the contents of an entire row is not a problem, however when it comes to resizing rows I seem to come unstuck.

Related thread: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=476993

Any help would be appreciated.


I'm trying to set up a basic formula to clear out unwanted cells. Basically, if the cell is not equal a number, I'd like it to be cleared of any information. I would rather not use a space, because I have text that is overlapping between cells and would like it to be legible.

Here's the basic formula:

=if(A1>0, A1, ???)

Any help would be great. Thanks!

I would like the contents of a selected active cell to be displayed in a certain other cell, say R4. When another cell is selected and active, that cell's contents should be displayed.

I have an array of 9 columns and 20 rows with equity symbols and conditionally formatted to show the severity of price movement in either direction.

Instead of typing in the value of whatever cell a trader is looking at I would like for them to just be able to click on the cell and have that symbol copied into R4 so some detailed information can be displayed for them.

Can't find a thing about this on any forum or msdn.

Hope I'm explaining this at least somewhat clearly.


Hi there,

I'm very new to Excel, and I'm having trouble figuring a few things out. Hopefully this will be very easy for you guys!

In Sheet 1, I have a column of cells that I would like to also appear in Sheet 2. If I add a new row to the column in Sheet 1, I would also like it to be updated automatically in Sheet 2. Currently, I can get it to show the contents of individual cells from Sheet 1 in Sheet 2 by using this formula in the formula bar for each cell in Sheet 2:

=Sheet1!A3 (or whichever cell it is)

That's fine, but I'd like to just have a formula that will reproduce the entire column (ie. without a fixed range, as new rows are going to be added to the column).

If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd be very very grateful. Thanks.

Hey guys,

I'm trying to write a macro which prints to PDF and saves the file name as the contents of a cell. I've been looking through all the posts currently on this forum to get something working. I'm using the following code -

Sub PrintPDF()
Filename = "C:\Documents and Settings\samb\My Documents\" & ActiveSheet.Range("Z1").Value
SendKeys Filename & "{ENTER}", False
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, ActivePrinter:= _
"Adobe PDF:", Collate:=True
End Sub

The macro prints to PDF, but then it stops at the Save As stage, where I have to manually enter the name of the file and click Save. I want the macro to automatically name the file with the contents of cell Z1. I then want it to then automatically press enter. Any ideas where I'm going wrong? Any help would be much appreciated!

Great tip! But one thing: On my machine (Excel 2008 Mac), the values in the formula cell are not correctly calculated simply by dragging. Instead, the values are equal to the cell above (the first entry formula value). To get the correct value, I need to click in the formula bar and then hit enter. (I only discovered this after an hour of tinkering, figuring I had botched the formula!)

Are there any ways around this so that it updates upon dragging the formula?

I have a problem sometimes. I will click on a cell to add information.
The cell turns blue and then wherever I move, it highlights those to.
No matter where I go on the page. If I Alt-Tab and work in another
program on my computer, that excel page keeps highlighting wherever
I move even in those other programs (I know this sounds confusing).
When I return to excel thousands and thousands of cells are blue.

The biggest problem is that the highlighting won't turn off, no matter
what. I can't select anything from the tool bars, do any work on the sheet or close the program.
I can close it only with the task manager but when I open it again,
the cursor is still stuck in the highlighting mode and won't perform any
other functions.

Do you think this is a problem with my computer, the excel program? I have changed my mouse and this didn't help.
Is there some shortcut to turn off this highlight feature other than restarting
my computer. Which is the only current way I can get rid of it.

Thanks for any advice,

Hi there,

I am currently using 'Activecell.Offset(1,0).Select' to move down one cell at a time when I click on a button.

The problem I have now is that if someone was to filter by something then the 'next cell down' could be hidden behind the filter (by that I mean it didn't meet the filter criteria).

Is there anyway to move down to the next row, even if that row does not follow on Sequentially .

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




I am entering lots of family history data into a spreadsheet. At the simplest I have columns (in cells A1 B1 C1) the headings, Surname, Forename, Year. Right now, I enter in cells A2 B2 and C2 say: Smith <Tab> John <Tab> 1555 <Enter, move mouse to the A column in the next row down). What I want to happen is when I have entered the last data in a row and pressed <Enter> I move automatically to the A-column in the next row down.

Is this possible?

Regards and a Merry Christmas to all


I would like to create a formula that removes a specific character if it appears in a cell. In this case, if the text in the name cell starts with * or #, remove it. Otherwise, keep the contents intact. Examples:


Text in Cell     Desired Results
*Bobby Abreu      Bobby Abreu
#Erick Aybar      Erick Aybar
Jason Bartlett    Jason Bartlett

Is there a formula that will get me where I want to be?



I often use if statements to return empty cells, for example:


The trailing "" returns an empty cell. The problem is, it is not TRULY empty. If I fill that formula down, I cannot, for example, jump from one "ERROR" cell to the next by hitting Ctrl arrow-down because it seems to think that these empty cells have contents.

Is there a way to designate, in such a formula as above, to return a TRULY empty cell?



I would like a formula that would list all the items in row B that match the criteria in row A. the first cell with formula would list the first item, the second cell with the formula would list the next item, and so forth. Also, column B might have a duplicates that should be listed. Is this possible? I cannot manipulate the order of the original items (ie, filters) because this data is being used to derive other formulas.

I have a name convention in one cell that has the last name first serperated by a comma with the first name last. How can I reverse this to show the first name first and the last name last in one cell?

I have a graph with various information in it. One is a line graph that tracks hours used in that department per month. The problem is that when it gets to the last month, and there is not yet data for future months, the line goes down to Zero (leavin this big diagonal line that makes the data look funny). I need this line to stop on the last month there is data for. (I do not manually enter the data, it is a formula that I do not wish to delete.) I know I can manually move the data that the line is pulling to make it stop on the last month, but I have a graph for 36 different departments and that's a pain to have to manually adjust 36 graphs each month. Is there a way to tell the line to stop if there is no data? Thanks!!

Today I ran into an odd problem. I typed in values for column A rows 1 through 10 then values for column B rows 1 through 10. then in column C, I made the formula C1=A1/B1. The math was correct it showed 542 in the C1 cell. So I dragged that formula down and it showed 542 in all column C cells which is not correct. And when I went to check to see if the formula was correctly dragged it was. For instance, the formula in C2 is =A2/B2 however the value of that cell showed 542 which was not the correct math/value.

But it gets even more weird. When I click on the Column C cells and then it shows the formula up top in the formula bar and if I put my cursor anywhere in the formula bar and hit Return the formula does not change however the correct value then appears in the Column C cell. It is like the act of putting the cursor in the formula activates it to work properly but until it is activated that C cell shows the value of the cell which it was dragged down from.

This is quite bizarre. Has anyone ever seen this before? I have no idea what is going on. I ran a scan for viruses and none were found. I tried it on several new/different spreadsheets but it keeps happening.

Thanks for any tips on this.

Posted this on the Ozgrid forums, but haven't gotten any help yet, so I thought I'd try here too!

I've been having a strange problem lately. I have a fairly lengthy macro that works perfectly most of the time. Occasionally it will run as expected but as soon as the macro ends, excel becomes unresponsive to mouse-clicks. When I click anywhere (trying to select a cell, or an excel menu item...clicking anywhere in excel) I'll get the a 'ding' system sound and nothing will happen. BUT, if I use the keyboard arrow keys, I can see that the active cell selection moves accordingly. Then it gets really strange - when I have a cell highlighted and press any key to input text, it gets duplicated. So if I press "s' it will input "ss" into the cell, and then when I press enter it will auto-move to the next cell down, but nothing ends up getting saved into the previous cell.

I don't understand what's going on at all. I can't think of anything in my macro that would have these kinds of effects. I've made sure that screenupdating is turned back on at the end of every procedure. If I go into the VBE, I can manually run procedures and they all work fine. The only way I've been able to get back to normal is by force closing excel altogether and re-opening. Any ideas?


Still having trouble, and the same thing is happening with this workbook on two different computers, so I don't think it's a hardware, or OS specific issue. When it gets locked up like this, I can still do anything in the VBE (edits cells, run macros, etc.) with no problems. If I'm in the excel window, I can click alt on the keyboard and the shortcut keys for the menu come up, but I can't go deeper than that by clicking the letter shortcuts, they do nothing. If I use the delete key to delete the contents of a cell, then it gets deleted. But if I type anything else (numbers, letters, or symbols) then it types 2 instances of the key every time, yet when I hit enter, nothing changes in the cell. I also can't really bring focus to the excel window if something else (ie. the VBE) is on top of it, clicking into the excel window just gives the little system 'ding' sound and nothing happens.

If I hit the save button in the VBE (since I can't click anything in the excel window), then it seems to snap out of it and go back to normal. I tried searching for anything simmilar to this and can't find anything...

Any help would be much appreciated. This is driving me nuts!

I recently moved into a new office and I am using a brand new computer on our network. When trying to edit an existing file, I'm not able to select a single cell and type. After clicking on a cell, if I move the mouse at all (even without pressing the left button) it just continues highlighting cells no matter where I move the mouse. I am also not able to click on the tool bars at all. I have to actually Ctrl-Alt_del to get out of the program. I'm sure this is something simple, but I don't know that much about this program. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Column 1 has roughly 20 rows of information. Cell C1 has the formula =A1.

Is there a formula so that when I drag C1 horizontally into D1, E1, F1, ..., the values placed in each cell will be =A2, =A3, =A4, ...

I do not want to transpose the values from column 1 into C1, D1,.... I want these cells to have a formula that links them up to column 1's values


I have a spreadsheet with simple (addition/subtraction) formulas. The file is quite large and the formulas are too. All of a sudden, the formulas stopped working except when I double click in the cell containing the actual formula. For example, if I enter "2" in each cell, A2 and B2, cell B3 should reflect "4" because there is a formula in cell B3 which totals cells A2 and B2. Only by double clicking on cell B3 will the program actually calculate. I'm totally perplexed and so is my IT contact. Anyone?

First time in this forum. Hi all. I have a challenging question, is there a way either by VBA or manually (preferably both, if possible) to actually unite the X amount of numbers that are in a cell given the contents is alphanumeric? I'll give you the following examples to see if you can understand what I' referring to?

DATA output should be
asd67,h876 --------> 67876
2,3,ujdj5&34 -------> 23534
909k86m34 --------> 9098634

Hope this makes sense?